General Questions

Is Fastcoo a Saudi company?

Fastcoo is 100% a Saudi company.

What is Fastcoo's main specialization?

  1. Logistics technology.
  2. Logistics consulting.
  3. Structuring logistics companies.
  4. Building logistics companies or logistics technology companies.

How can I ensure the quality of your work and execution?

If our execution is not satisfactory to any client, all the costs paid will be refunded to you.

What difference will Fastcoo make if you work with them?

  • We work with our clients diligently to transform their logistics company into a professional entity with all the established regulations and necessary tools to face any challenges, no matter how big.

  • One of the key reasons for a company’s success is having regulations and performance indicators for each department, and it is crucial to monitor them correctly to ensure the company’s continuity. This feature is not present in many companies.

Your company will be completely different from any other competitor in terms of professionalism and performance.

What is Fastcoo's main specialization?

Fastcoo specializes in:

  1. Logistics technology.
  2. Logistics consulting.
  3. Structuring logistics companies.
  4. Building logistics companies or logistics technology companies.
Structuring and building logistics companies.

What does building a company mean?

If the company is new, building it from scratch involves the following key points:

  • Preparing the warehouses for the project.
  • Creating a new hiring structure based on the proposed plan.
  • Providing technical systems.
  • Training.
  • Establishing regulations and policies.
  • And much more.

What are the targeted departments?

Most departments will be built, such as:

  • Finance department.
  • Operations department.
  • Procurement department.
  • Sales department.
  • Marketing department.
  • Customer service department.

Does the service include contracting with clients?

Our services do not include searching for and signing clients, but by properly structuring the company, our efforts will enable the sales team to sign many clients through all targeted sales channels.

How is cost reduction achieved?

One of the key points we focus on is reducing the expenses of each department while maintaining high-quality service. This is one of the reasons for our success.

What difference will Fastcoo make if you work with them?

  • We work with our clients diligently to transform their logistics company into a professional entity with all the established regulations and necessary tools to face any challenges, no matter how big.

  • One of the key reasons for a company’s success is having regulations and performance indicators for each department, and it is crucial to monitor them correctly to ensure the company’s continuity. This feature is not present in many companies.

Your company will be completely different from any other competitor in terms of professionalism and performance.

How will you increase the company's market value?

Once you engage with Fastcoo, we will provide you with many elements that will enhance the market value of your company. Simply having a logistics system will significantly increase your company’s value, especially since most companies in the local market do not have their own systems. This will make you stand out among everyone.

How can we add new services to the company?

The Fastcoo team will study all the company’s capabilities and then propose new services that will definitely help you add one or more additional services to increase the company’s revenue.

What is a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) will serve as a constitution for the company, guiding each department’s operations and providing a reference in case of any deviations in task performance. Typically, it is a manual containing more than 100-200 pages. Fastcoo will document the work processes for each department in this file.

Having an SLA will be a significant leap forward for your company and its performance in the local or global market. Most small and medium-sized companies, and sometimes even large ones, do not have their own SLA. This will set you apart from other competitors.

How can we add new services to the company?

The Fastcoo team will study all the company’s capabilities and then propose new services that will definitely help you add one or more additional services to increase the company’s revenue.

Digital Transformation

What is digital transformation for logistics companies from Fastcoo's perspective?

Digital transformation is a necessity that allows you to access documents or any required data with ease. Digital transformation will reduce your monthly expenses by at least 20% and is one of the essential foundations for distinguishing yourself from others and competitors.

Will you convert companies to full digital transformation?

Absolutely, our primary mission is to eliminate any manual work in any company and department as much as possible. Each department will be fully digitized in terms of technology and execution.

Hiring & Training

Will you train all company employees on technology and management?

Department managers will be trained on the new vision and direction of the company from both a technological and managerial perspective. The department manager will then implement this training with their own team.

Do you hire according to the company's request?

We do not conduct direct hiring, but we select the right person to manage departments based on our experience in the local market. For example, we can help find a suitable Sales Manager or Operations Manager, among others.

Warehouse Preparation

How long does it take to fully prepare a warehouse?

The Fastcoo team has a checklist for each warehouse, and depending on the required spaces, the complete preparation of warehouses takes between 30 to 60 days at most.

Logistics Technology Systems

Does the logistics system include integration with shipping companies and platforms?

All our systems are integrated with most global and local shipping companies as well as e-commerce platforms.

What are the features and types of logistics systems you will provide to your clients?

  • Last Mile System (Driver app – Customer control panel – Manager control panel – Automatic updates – Shipment collection – Returns – Incoming and outgoing management, and more)
  • Warehouse and Inventory Management System (Customer control panel – Manager control panel – Picking, packing, and delivery – Inventory management – Shelf management – Warehouse coding – Receiving and identifying products, and much more)
  • Other Systems for heavy transport, micro transport, and more, based on the client’s requirements.

Will the logistics technology be open-source?

This service provides you with the design of a customized logistics system for your company, integrated with many shipping companies and e-commerce platforms.

What is the delivery time for the logistics system?

It will take between 3 to 6 months at most.

Who will manage the technical system after your contract with the company ends?

There will be two options for handling the technology:

  1. As an additional service, we can hire a specialized team to work under your company and handle all requirements.
  2. Alternatively, the client can hire their own technical team to manage the system.

What is meant by building logistics technology?

Fastcoo will study the nature of your business, whether it is a delivery company, a storage and preparation company, or other types. We will analyze the workflow or suggest the appropriate business model. Then, we will develop a comprehensive logistics system that meets all the requirements.

Do you provide a technical team for us?

A technical team can be provided as a separate service based on the needs of your logistics technology company.

Can we extend the technical support contracts with Fastcoo?

The Fastcoo team is always with you, and yes, you can renew the technical and logistics support at any time if the contract period expires.

What are the special additions to the logistics system that serve customers in general?

A comprehensive logistics system will be provided, including a dedicated control panel for the customer to manage their orders, as well as a control panel for managers and employees with selected permissions.

What servers are used for the logistics system?

Most of the technology will be on Amazon AWS, and it will be the client’s decision which server to use. However, we only use trusted global servers.

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